Forget mouse clicks, embrace shortcuts!

Customize keyboard shortcuts for your frequently visited websites

How it works

Primary Shortcut
You can link a website to the keys of your choice by using ALT + 'KEY'. The 'KEY' used can be alphanumeric (letters A-Z, numbers 0-9).
Secondary Shortcut
After activating the primary shortcut, you can use a secondary command to enhance your experience by linking to any other page in the domain. It's a good way to access subdomain pages effortlessly.
Compound Shortcut
Using a compound shortcut is an excellent way to access websites which you visit less frequently, by using two keys at once.
ALT + S linked with Slack
  • used 417 times
  • saved 20.85 minutes
ALT + R linked with Reddit
  • used 810 times
  • saved 40.5 minutes
ALT + Y linked with Youtube
  • used 516 times
  • saved 25.8 minutes
Shortcut Statistics
Each shortcut trigger is logged privately, so only you can see which triggers are used most often. This gives you more power over how you save time.
Auxiliary Shortcuts
Switch tabs
Use ALT + Period to switch between two recent tabs freely
Jump to home
Use SHIFT + ALT + Space to to remove query strings or path in URLs then jump to homepage automatically